Aviation Scholarships 

    Do you want to learn to fly or start a career in aviation but there is just no way you could afford it?  Lucky for you one of aviation's best kept secrets is the volume of scholarships that are available.  The scholarships available range from covering only initial training, to full private pilot, to instrument pilot, and even on to commercial pilot.  There are scholarships available for school age kids and adults looking to change careers.  Below is just a small handful of organizations that offer scholarship programs.


    EAA - Experimental Aircraft Association

    AOPA - Airplane Owners and Pilots Association

    NBAA - National Business Aviation Association

    WAI - Women in Aviation International

    Sporty's Academy



    The list above is in no way exhaustive as that is just too much for us to keep up with.  Luckily there are others that are willing to put forth the time to make an exhaustive list for a price.  If you are serious about getting into aviation then you really should consider The Aerospace Scholarships E-Book

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